You feeling Stuck?

My life used to consist of being “stuck” in carline. Was I the only Mom who was not enjoying being a taxi driver?
The truth is that I felt stuck in my calling! I felt God had something for me to do that could help other women but here I was, sitting as an eternal minivan mom!
Listening to Christian radio programs in carline, I frantically scribbled helpful information on the napkin from my kids last Happy Meal. GOD gave me the experts with information that my heart needed to hear, to move forward with confidence and clarity!
Maybe you feel stuck or stopped in the “thing” you have been called to do too?
Do you have something in your heart that you would love to do but you feel stuck, stalled or just stopped by all the chaos in this world?
I totally get it and I have AMAZING NEWS!!!!!!

I am creating a FREE EVENT to bring the right experts to YOU that helped me!!!!!!:
- October 23, 2020 12:00 – 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
- Empowering Christian Women to do the thing God called YOU to do.
More Info will be headed your way with Free access to encouraging experts who want to help you get unstuck
Find your voice, Fire up your Confidence, Figure out the next best step to head in the right direction
Hey Ladies!!!!!!Let’s get out of carline and into the driver seat of doing what God has called us to do!
Put it on your Calendar for all you planner people! It’s going to be a live zoom format to get questions answered and to get you fired up and focused again to serve God.
I want to see you moving with momentum in the “thing” you are called to do that ONLY you can do for God! People need your message!
I’ll see you soon with more info to keep you updated!
Blessing -Tracey