What has God given you to use?

I recently heard a woman talking about a sermon where the Pastor asked her this question:
What blessing from God are you NOT using?
She prayed for days and even weeks, not knowing the answer. Till one day, in her backyard of several acres, she thought she heard God tell her the answer which shocked her.
“You have land that could be planted, that I have given you. Become a Flower Farmer.”
This woman could hardly believe that God was calling her to become a flower farmer but still she said “yes” to this unusual call. Today, she grows the most beautiful flowers and people come from everywhere to see her flower garden. She named her growing ministry, Flowers from the Thicket.
Flowers from the thicket is viewed around the world on instagram. She is now connecting to a community of flower farmers and people, who just want to come and sit in her divine flower garden. She now shares her story of her second half of life calling with others to inspire them to grow their new calling too.
What about you?
What story is God calling you to use and grow for His kingdom?
Your story, when shared, can connect you in a powerful way to others. God has given you a certain territory in your story of land that has been redeemed. Maybe he has given you the ability to overcome an addiction, a failed marriage, or maybe you have seen a loved one come to Christ? You are standing in the promised land of His blessings for you.
Use that territory in your story! When you share what God is doing in your life, you can encourage others to bloom and grow in their calling too.
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest– Matthew 9:37-38
I’m praying for more women to start sharing the territory in their story!
Let me know, what’s your territory in your story ?