Get the Story Straight

Have you ever felt like the story of your life just took an unexpected crooked path?
Last year, my husband’s company was sold, leaving us unemployed for over six months. Did I say Six Months? I was so scared believing that we would loose everything and have to sell our house. Will my husband ever get a job again?
Have you ever experienced a time when your circumstances were so much less than you expected? If so, you are not alone. My life has been full of unwanted events and unexpected twists and turns.
But here is some good news:
5Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding
6in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. a
Proverb 3:5-7 promises that as we trust in God, He will make our paths straight. We simply do not have all the understanding to know how the crooked paths and the unexpected turns will be made right.
As we surrender our whole heart to the Lord,
He will correct us -direct us – protect us- resurrect us!
He’s got us covered and will get the story straight. There are no surprise endings with God.
ANd, to my surprise at just the right time, my husband did get another job. It doesn’t mean that trusting God is easy but it does mean that it’s His responsibility to be in charge of the outcomes of my life that I can not control.