Four ways to tell if you are headed in the right direction
Keep the compass of your heart headed toward God’s purposes and you will find joy!
Afew years ago, I read a book that changed my life by Immaculee Ilibagiza.
While reading her book, Left to Tell, my heart raced with every word of how one woman survived the Rwandan mass genocide of over one million people, including her family members. Imacculee is my hero because of the way she has helped save thousands of people through her book and continues to help the people of Rwanda to this day.
Traveling to Rwanda was an act of faith for me because I remember saying I could NEVER go to that country.
So how can we tell if we are headed in the right direction in life when we have preconceived notions and strong ideas about what we could NEVER DO?
Here are my compass guiding statements as I move forward into the unknown
1.) Focus on what I CAN do instead of what I CANNOT do
My biggest prayer right now is to become a person who believes that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. NEVER statements are often fueled by insecurity in our own ability to face challenges with the strength of God.
Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right!”
2.) Walk by faith and don’t Run in fear
Faith helps us see the unseen hope of a positive future because of our trust in God and His ability to do more than any human. Faith is the moment by moment choice to move forward and watch where God is leading us. Faith gives us the courage to take small steps each day towards an unknown future. Fear navigates us toward self-protection and cripples us into the safe zone of our own strength to control the future. Fear limits our reach and keeps us stuck. Fear tells us bad things will happen to us in the future. Faith tells us All Things Are Possible!
“Do the think you fear and the death of fear is certain ” Ralph Waldo Emerson
3.) Listen for divine direction
When we ask God to guide our steps in life, we can expect Him to show us signs and give us confirmation we are headed in the right direction. Divine road signs come in all different forms: It could be a verse we read from the Bible, the words of a song we hear, the confirmation of a friend, or sometimes the joy of an unexpected blessings. One of my favorite verses from the Bible regarding this kind of guidance is:
Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it!
4.) Watch out for #GodMoments that blow your mind!!!!
God moments are purposeful blessings that deeply inspire our hearts to keep moving in the right direction, even when we can’t see the end result of our efforts. I had the most amazing God Moment of my life last night!!!! Through the amazing men at Bridge2Rowanda, I invited to meet my hero, Immaculee and tour her house!
Who would have dreamed that the girl in the US who said she could NEVER go to Rwanda would in fact travel to that very country AND meet Imaculee herself?
Immaculee’s chapel at her home in Rwanda that she uses as her prayer room.
Truly a GOD MOMENT in my life! Would you like a tour inside?
Her prayer chair where she meets Jesus every day
Keep the compass of your heart headed in the direction of God’s purposes for your life and enjoy the journey of the “next thing” He brings along your path.
And most of all, Never Say Never !!!
Blessings and joy from Rwanda- Tracey