You feeling Stuck?

My life used to consist of being “stuck” in carline. Was I the only Mom who was not enjoying being a taxi driver? The truth is that I felt stuck in my calling! I felt God had something for me to do that could help 

Lost Relationships?

Lost Relationships?

Yesterday, my daughter confidently “tried” to help me set up my new computer for my birthday. “Mom, Ive got this, I know what I’m doing! “ Not listening to my gut, I hesitantly said, “Okay you can set up the new computer?” The next day 

A strange story?

A strange story?

Hi friends- I’ve been feeling uncertain and a bit confused. Everyday when I wake up, my husband and I feel like it’s groundhog day. Time is moving on but our lives seem to be stuck in a new normal. We have all been living a 

Is God in this story?

Is God in this story?

Last night in the dark, my 13-year-old daughter came in my bed crying. She plopped down like a deflated ball with big tears rolling down her cheeks. “Mom…I’m not going to get to perform my play next week. I’ve been working for months on this 

Carol Kent: Speak Up for Hope

Carol Kent: Speak Up for Hope

Hi Firecracker! Are you ready to start the new year with a bang? I know God is going to bless you big time in the year of new vision in 2020!!!! Ready to get focused your dynamic purpose? Please listen to this interview with Carol